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XVI° Concours Lyrique International

Discovering New Talents

May 2 - 4, 2025

Application deadline: April 6, 2025

Concours Voice 2025


The Competition is open to singers in all voice categories and of all nationalities; minimum age is 18 years.

Singers may enter this competition in one of the three categories:


A) Category “Grands Amateurs”: open to singers with no professional voice studies, minimum age: 30 years on April 1st, 2025.

B) Category “Young singers”: open to singers who didn’t accomplish 25 years, on April 1st, 2025; accessible from 18 years on.

C) Category “Professionals”: open to singers, with professional education in progress or finished (Conservatory, Musikhochschule, University…), from 25 to 40 years old, on April 1st, 2025.


The maximum duration of the program: 15 min. per round (10 min for Grands Amateurs)

a) Category "Grands Amateurs":- 1 Oratorio and 1 Opera Aria, or 2 Opera Arias

                                                      - 1 Art Song*

b) Category "Young Singers":      - 1 Oratorio and 1 Opera Aria, or 2 Opera Arias

                                                          in 2 different languages and by 2 different composers

                                                       - 2 Art Songs* in 2 different languages and by 2 different composers

c) Category "Professionals":        - 4 Opera Arias or 1 Oratorio and 3 Opera Arias

                                                          in 2 different languages and by 2 different composers.

                                                       - 2 Art Songs* in 2 different languages and by 2 different composers

                                                       Minimum 3 different languages in total


All works must be performed by memory and in the original language.

Score can be used for the Oratorio - Tone transpositions are not allowed for the Opera Aria.


* Definition of Art Song: Lied, mélodie or classical art song by a serious composer (17th-21st century).

 It excludes folklore, popular or variety music.


-For all the categories, 2 rounds will take place to select the award winners.

* Eliminatory round: Live performance on May 3.

* Final round: Live performance on May 4.


- Semi-Final, May 3:

* For Grands Amateurs and Young Singers, the candidate selects 1 aria or oratorio; + 1 art song

* Professionals: the candidate selects 1 aria and oratorio, or 2 arias; + 1 art songAdditional condition for Young Singers and Professionals: 2 different languages and 2 different composers.


- Final round May 4:

Pieces from the proposed program except those performed in the previous rounds.

* “Grands Amateurs”: 2 works (1 art song repeated from 2nd round)

* “Young Singers”: 2 works

* “Professionals”: 3 works


Address where the competition takes place:

Académie de Musique de Braine l’Alleud, rue du Château 49, 1420 Braine l'Alleud-Belgium.


Rehearsal with the pianist in the concert hall on Saturday, May 2, during the afternoon.

The draw of the order will take place on May 2, before the rehearsals. All candidates must be present.

Candidates can ask for a pianist from the competition (cost: 40 €).

The winner of each category will be communicated after the final round.


The jury will include professional singers and several representatives of artists agencies.
More details later


A Participation Certificate will be presented to all candidates.

Category “Grands Amateurs”:

                - For the Winner: 100 €+ free participation in LyricA Braine l’Alleud 2026.

                - Concert for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize together at Braine l’Alleud + package of CD’s.

Category “Young Singers”:

                The Winner will be awarded:

                - 200 €

                - Part of a concert in Braine l’Alleud, by Bell’Arte aisbl

                - Part of a concert in Italy, by F.M.I. onlus Italy

                - Free participation in LyricA Braine l’Alleud 2026

                - Free participation in a Voice Session organized by F.M.I. onlus Italy in 2025 or 2026

                - The 2nd and 3rd Prize: package of CD’s


Category “Professional”:

                The Winner will be awarded:

                - 500 €

                - Part of a concert in Braine l’Alleud, by Bell’Arte aisbl

                - Part of a concert in Italy by F.M.I onlus, Italy

                - Free participation in LyricA Braine l’Alleud 2026

                - Free participation in a Voice Session organized by F.M.I. onlus Italy in 2025 or 2026

                - The 2nd prize: 200 €

                - Free participation in a Voice Session organized by F.M.I. onlus Italy in 2025 or 2026

                 - The 3rd Prize: 100 €

                - Free participation in a Voice Session organized by F.M.I. onlus Italy in 2025 or 2026

- ALL CATEGORIES: Prix du Public: during the final round of the competition, the audience will be invited to vote for its candidate. The chosen candidate will receive the Prix du Public: 100 €.

None of the awards, except the financial ones, can be converted in money.


Besides the above mentioned, 3 singers will receive scholarships from the Fondation Bell'Arte for free participation in LyricA Braine l'Alleud 2026.

The Award Ceremony will take place on May 4, after the jury’s deliberation. The Winners’ presence is mandatory to receive the Prize of the competition.


During the semi-final and final, the candidate may either perform with the pianist provided by the organization (40 €) or perform with his/her own pianist (at the candidate's expenses). 

In the latter case, the pianist has to complete his personal data's and sign the application form as well.


Candidates must submit the documents by email or postmarked by APRIL 6 midnight, 2025 at the latest to the Competition Secretariat. Submitted materials will not be returned.



           or  Priority post mail: Bell’Arte aisbl, 39bis, chaussée d’Alsemberg-1420 Braine-L’Alleud, Belgium

The following documents have to be submitted:


- The application form fully completed (CAPITAL Letters!)


- On a separated sheet: the detailed program that will be presented for each round, clearly indicating:

   A) title/aria, B) character, C) opera/oratorio, D) composer, respecting the conditions

   as detailed here under.

   No modification to this program will be allowed after April 20.


- Scores (PDF) at application by email and post mailed-even if you didn't apply for a pianist from the competition.

In case you asked for a pianist from the competition, the paper copies must be sticked together, ready for use for the pianist!


- 2 Pictures (headshot-passport size) AND


- Copy of the ID card or passport


- Photo suitable for promotional purposes – free of all rights


- Professional biography in English or French


- Copy of the proof of payment: admission fee of 80 € (not refundable)

- The candidates can also apply for a pianist from the competition. (40 €)

Only a complete application will be taken into consideration.



Application Deadline: April 6 , 2025

Printable application form:  * Competition application form in PDF        * Competition application form in Word

Chinese version (only to help to understand the English form)

to be sent to:
Mrs. Hilde Delle-Vigne


Bell'Arte aisbl
39bis, chaussée d'Alsemberg
1420 Braine l'Alleud-Belgique

IMPORTANT Reminder: 

- Scores (PDF) at application by email and post mailed-even if you didn't apply for a pianist from the competition.

In case you asked for a pianist from the competition, the paper copies must be sticked together, ready for use for the pianist!



- The voice competition committee is allowed at any time to modify organization elements and/or to decide about an eventual cancellation of the competition, if the circumstances or sanitary situation require it. 

- Prizes are awarded (and may be withheld) at the jury’s discretion. The chair’s decision on all matters is final.

- All rounds of the competition may be recorded and videotaped by the organizers for subsequent broadcast, video and audio recording use.

- The candidate hereby grants the organizers the right to make use of their names, photography, voice and biographical materials as well as audio, video and DVD recordings on TV, radio and Internet for promotional and commercial release. All materials submitted including photos become the property of the Bell’Arte aisbl.

- The candidate is responsible for his/her travel, accommodation and daily expenses.

Transport &


Braine- L'Alleud is around 25 km South to Brussels, half the way between Brussels and Charleroi. The Académie de Musique de Braine-L'Alleud is at a 10 minutes walk from the foundation or from the railway station.

  • If arriving by plane:
    Brussels International Airport (based in Zaventem),
    or Brussels South (based in Charleroi)
    are both convenient to arrive in Braine-L'Alleud, as easy train connections exist.


  • If arriving by train:
    Braine l'Alleud's station is on the railway connecting Brussels to Charleroi.

    * From Brussels-Gare du midi, Gare Central, Gare de Luxembourg:
    Take the train towards Nivelles/Charleroi: stop at "Braine-L'Alleud"

    * From Charleroi Station:
    Take the train towards Brussels: stop at "Braine-L'Alleud"


  • If arriving by car:
    * Coming from Brussels: On Ring Est, exit 25 ("Butte du Lion"/Braine-L'Alleud-Waterloo).
    Then, take direction "Braine-L'Alleud Centre", and follow "Ecole des Arts". The academy is right next door, same building.

    * Coming from Paris: Ring Est (Zaventem, Waterloo, ...), exist 24 - "Braine-L'Alleud Centre", "Ecole des Arts"


  • For the eliminatory and final round, HOUSING, in a shared room (3 or 4 persons), can be provided to a limited number of candidates living abroad. The price will be 90 € from Friday May 2 afternoon till Monday May 5, 10 AM. It doesn’t include any meal. 
    Application order will be followed for the attribution of the rooms and is only available for people from abroad.
    Payment must be made together with the application, after confirmation of the availability.


  • Several Airbnb's are present at Braine l'Alleud. Worthy to check too.

  • For those who wish to stay in Brussels (youth hostel - regular hotel)- easy transportation by train - or in Waterloo (car needed), advice can be given by the organization.

  • name of the account holder: Fondation Bell'Arte aisbl

  • name of the bank : FORTIS - Brussels

  • address: 3, rue Montagne du Parc - 1000 Brussels - Belgium

  • account number: IBAN BE81 0019 2719 8424


  • Communication: Concours Lyrique BellArte

    Attention: If international bank transfer, please add 10 Euros for bank charges.



The proof of the payment must accompany the application form

Bank Datas

  • contact the Executive Director/Events Coordinator:
    Mrs. Hilde Delle-Vigne


  • Bell'Arte aisbl
    39bis, Chaussée d'Alsemberg
    1420 Braine l'Alleud - Belgique


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